About The Fellowship

The Fellowship of the Ring was formed as a brotherhood among members of the various Free Peoples of Middle-earth. Its purpose was to take the One Ring to Mordor that it might be cast into the fires of Mount Doom (Orodruin), the mountain in which it was forged, so that it would be destroyed, this would ultimately kill Dark Lord Sauron. The Fellowship is also known the Company of the Ring, the Nine Walkers, or more simply the Fellowship or the Company. Each of the members of the Company were representatives of their respective races, with Legolas and Gimli being the only Elf and Dwarf chosen.

The Fellowship of the Ring was formed as a brotherhood among members of the various Free Peoples of Middle-earth. Its purpose was to take the One Ring to Mordor that it might be cast into the fires of Mount Doom (Orodruin), the mountain in which it was forged, so that it would be destroyed, this would ultimately kill Dark Lord Sauron. The Fellowship is also known the Company of the Ring, the Nine Walkers, or more simply the Fellowship or the Company. Each of the members of the Company were representatives of their respective races, with Legolas and Gimli being the only Elf and Dwarf chosen.

The Fellowship of the Ring was formed as a brotherhood among members of the various Free Peoples of Middle-earth. Its purpose was to take the One Ring to Mordor that it might be cast into the fires of Mount Doom (Orodruin), the mountain in which it was forged, so that it would be destroyed, this would ultimately kill Dark Lord Sauron. The Fellowship is also known the Company of the Ring, the Nine Walkers, or more simply the Fellowship or the Company. Each of the members of the Company were representatives of their respective races, with Legolas and Gimli being the only Elf and Dwarf chosen.


Formed after the Council of Elrond, The Fellowship consisted of nine members: four Hobbits, two Men, one Elf, one Dwarf, and one Istar wizard. It is the only known organisation/group ever formed in the history of Middle-earth, to hold members of each of these races within it (and with the departure of the Elves and Istar from Middle-earth, there would never be another like it), who largely lived and acted independently of one another (or in the case of Elves and Dwarves, felt active animosity toward each other). This number was chosen to match the number of Ring Wraiths, also known as Black Riders, the NazgĂșl or the Nine Riders. Merry and Pippin were never intended to be a part of the Fellowship, with Elrond considering two Elf-lords from his own house. He wished to send the two younger hobbits back to the Shire as messengers to warn other Hobbits of the growing evil. However, the halflings persevere: Merry is chosen and Gandalf convinces Elrond of the loyalty of Pippin.